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Aplusho1996's avatar
6 years ago

The absolute lowest gear for chewbacca Tier 7 (includes strat)

Edit: This strategy requires GOD MODS. Squad power is sitting at 79k. Boba has TWO 6-E mods.

Hey all. I’m the same guy who posted a guide to the “last resort for thrawn event 7*” and that was also a very minimum g7/8 to 7* thrawn which took over 200 tries. This time, we step it up.

Note: This took over 500 tries. I am not even joking.

I just want you all to know, DO NOT GIVE UP. You can do it.

My squad: G12 boba(L), G11 ig88, G9 dengar, G8 greedo, g8 cad bane. I want to list speed only like I did in the thrawn guide, but i think the whole mod set is important this time compared to thrawn event, so I’ll post screenshots or link to my swgoh gg if needed so you can check my mods.

First off, some tips for the event: (some you might know, just wanna give a headsup)

1. Chewie has some sort of unique from Hoth Leia that gives him 30% tm everytime he’s hit. Use that to speed up the detonators, so it gives tm under boba lead

2. Dengar only call assist on basic if target enemy has debuff.

3. Leia doesn’t always use aoe on first turn, and r2 doesn’t always smoke screen/ burn.

4. Counter chance on Han is not 100%. Might be a reskin of Raid Han which means he has 50%.

5. Greedo detonators, unlike dengar, blow up after ONE turn, which gives tm to whole team.

6. Use cad bane stun on r2 even if he has foresight. It is unavoidable. Use greedo special tm removal on han. He can’t be stunned.

I know there are alot of posts around that pretty much says the same thing, but I want to show the absolute minimum. No zetas on any characters, some dont even have their omegas. This squad has an even lower squad power than Ahnaldt101’s squad on youtube, which has nearly 10k more than mine.

Strategy: Boy I have seen it all. I can even recite how many “R” and “A” in chewies rawr, and how han keep saying “Chewie, over there!”

Here’s the Strategy:

1. First, the enemy will take a crazy amount of turn. Make sure Dengar is critcally hit and goes into stealth, while r2 wastes his smoke screen. Boba CANNOT be ability blocked, Greedo CANNOT die or be ability blocked, Cad bane CANNOT die or be ability blocked, IG88 CAN DIE, boba CAN DIE ONCE.

2. Execute on Chewie. LAND healing immunity. Greedo uses TM REMOVAL special on HAN. Cad Bane STUNS R2 EVEN WITH FORESIGHT (check Tip 6)

3. IG88/ Cad bane CAN DIE. Greedo MUST LIVE until he land detonators. You need AT LEAST 2 on ALL ENEMIES, with ONE MUST BE ON CHEWBACCA.

4. Dengar calls BOBA to assist on Chewbacca (detonator acts as debuff, only 60% chance to assist still)

5. Chewbacca MUST DIE to BOBA, with Boba regaining hunter’s resolve

6. Pray to god han doesn’t stun lock you. My dengar died right here with leia, han, lando and r2 all alive with protection. Probably because his health is too low and died to the burning or aoe. If possible keep him alive, but if only Boba remains, KEEP GOING.

7. Boba basic/ execute on HAN, HAN MUST DIE/ DIE TO DOTs with NO COUNTER (50% chance) triggers CONTRACT.

8. Focus all firepower on HOTH leia since her aoe lands ability block. All the while r2 can burn, can smoke screen (use aoe to kill leia), can basic(most dangerous since he can stun lock you) PRAY to god leia dies and you keep hunter’s resolve.


10. 1 V 1 r2. He is all that stands between you and chewbacca. VERY IMPORTANT: r2 will use smoke screen to gain foresight. SAVE your execute to get pass the foresight. USE BASIC to attack and land DOTs DO NOT USE ABILITY BLOCK. It will force him to use basic which means higher chance to get stun locked. Also the damage is too low on the aoe.

11. Mental breakdown as you try again.

Screenshots of mods per request: