2 years ago
The death of fun in GAC & TW
Datacron ruining the fun? I tested my feelings to be sure that the popular opinion is legit my own and not something I adopted from hearing it over and over.... So. I created an ALT account and built it up for GAC. Now that its 1st full GAC is over... I confirmed my gut feeling, DATACRONS SUCK the fun out of this game! My 9.5m GP account is so boring to play now.... every single GAC / TW is the exact same with no variation. My guild just saw 32 LV Datacrons in the first spot alone.... W T F !!!! ... On the flip side, my new 1m GP ALT's first GAC was very fun... should I keep growing it? If Datacrons remain the same I probably will not, cause it's a dead end it seems. I HATE these stupid things and wish CG would remove or nerf the crap out of them!