Forum Discussion
Take it for what you like, but I was having problems with QA inconsistency b/c I had somehow missed the advice of using QA's basic on her first couple turns so that when you summon the decoy she lasts long enough to let QA build up her unique buff (Queen's Protection) to max stacks (10). Even so, it only took me 1-3 tries to get 7 waves (2.34M at r8). It was only frustrating if I was trying to max out her score.
Lumi's squad consistently maxes out on the first try (r7 tier) if I use KAM. But that leaves my second Jedi squad underpowered. Without KAM I can imagine it taking 3 or 4 if you get bad RNG, though so far it's never taken me more than 2.
Gungans are consistent max score squads
So three out of 5 squads consistently give me either max score or a score I'm willing to settle for if time is short. And the squad that isn't a consistent max can be set up for success in p1. If you don't have 10 stacks of Queen's Protection, you can start over after wave1 without playing things all the way through.
I fully agree that one squad is an RNG fest and the Kelleran Beq squad is underpowered, but if you set reasonable, non-frustrating goals for those 2 squads and have Lumi at r7 to take advantage of faction bonuses, the raid can be rewarding without being too time consuming.
Do remember that while there was one run of the Endor raid that always went for max score (GL Leia), the rest weren't like that. In this raid we also have one easy max every time (Gungans), one easy max most of the time (Lumi), and one squad that can be set up for success early and/or restarted without playing the whole raid.
Overall, I think this raid has the potential to be fine, if you understand what your teams need, give them appropriate relics, and use the best mods and strategies.
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