8 years ago
Thrawn event question
I have all Phoenix squad two of which are gear level 10 and the rest are gears 8 to 9, is this high enough to 7 star or at lest 6 star him ? I'll put mods on when the event actually comes around again...
"M_L;c-1270077" wrote:
hera, ezra, kanaan, sabine and zeb. would that work? only have ezra at g10, rest g8, or would chopper be a better fit, to sub out zeb? feel like i need sabine in there for the dps
this is to get thrawn to 7 stars. i dont quite have my arena mods on this team, but will do that if need be. mostly i'm trying to avoid gearing anyone else other than ezra past gear 8 since pretty much everyone needs those carbantis....