Forum Discussion

yoyo_mtz's avatar
8 years ago

Tie Reaper

Where's the tie reaper man? Thought he would be available on the fleet shipments

8 Replies

  • The only time that ship was viable, in its current state, was when it was bugged to hell and back. You could stick it in last spot reserves and your opponent would consistently lose TM. It was a brilliantly used bug to easily get first for a while. Then everyone caught on, lol.
  • I have it at 3* with the crew at lvl 50ish one gears at 6 the other 7. It's pretty good.

    I got it from a fleet pack about 6 months ago. Just got shoretrooper the other day.

  • I have both pilots at gear 11 and 7 star I have a couple of shards but I just need to unlock that ship
  • hopefully it falls under the same cadence as the toon releases/farming points, would love to add it to my fleet.
  • I got stuck with it when buying that pack a few months ago that gave you it or the Tie Advanced, I really wanted the Tie Advanced because I didnt have shore, but farmed him a few weeks later. His buff dispell is ok but its cooldown is way to long to be useful and he is kinda squishy.
  • I need all the Empire ships possible the gauntlet really benefits from them (not the real name of this ship the gauntlet is the ship maul took from pre vizla)