9 years ago
Tournament haulted mid stream of active tournament...
...I think it was the right thing too allow those with iOS the chance at K-2SO*
With that being said my strategy was to unlock CA at 6☆. My initial plan was to compete only in CA. I would use all my ally points and get well above competition who had spent most of their ally points on the Jyn Tournement. I knew it was more important for others too get the Blue Prints in the next tournament and to be able too swing all 3 tournaments they would just want too spend enough to unlock CA without overspending, so I thought I was golden.
It worked and I stayed number 1 for most of the day until...
The blue print tournament was cancelled and people realized they had all the way until January 9 for the next Jyn tournament, and they no longer needed too reserve ally points for the CA Ship Tournament. It was a hard pill to swallow watching all those people just shred my score.
I think it would be best in the future not too go dropping events and making changes during existing events.
Especially after saying no more changes until next year.
*I wish you had left Baze in Shard Shop or given a little heads up that he was going away.
With that being said my strategy was to unlock CA at 6☆. My initial plan was to compete only in CA. I would use all my ally points and get well above competition who had spent most of their ally points on the Jyn Tournement. I knew it was more important for others too get the Blue Prints in the next tournament and to be able too swing all 3 tournaments they would just want too spend enough to unlock CA without overspending, so I thought I was golden.
It worked and I stayed number 1 for most of the day until...
The blue print tournament was cancelled and people realized they had all the way until January 9 for the next Jyn tournament, and they no longer needed too reserve ally points for the CA Ship Tournament. It was a hard pill to swallow watching all those people just shred my score.
I think it would be best in the future not too go dropping events and making changes during existing events.
Especially after saying no more changes until next year.
*I wish you had left Baze in Shard Shop or given a little heads up that he was going away.