7 years ago
TW Clarification Request: "Forfeit a Battle"
Apoligies for not making a Matchmaking complaint like all other threads.
What happens exactly when i attack someone's squad in TW and during the battle choose to go to the options and "forfeit" (retreat) the battle?
a) Killed Enemies:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's killed squaddies still dead after the battle?
b) Turn Meters:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's Turn Meters reverted to their original value (as it was when the encounter started), or are the enemy team's Turn Meters fed ?
c) Ability Cooldowns:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's Ability Cooldowns reverted to their original values or do they stay "modified" (e.g. Nihilus' Annihilate impending on next turn / Fracrure used up etc.)
d) Timing out VS. Forfeit:
Does letting the battle time out have the same results (above questions) as using the "forfeit" option?
A lot of our Guild Members are interested in a rock-solid answer to these issues.
Thanks in advance !
Apoligies for not making a Matchmaking complaint like all other threads.
What happens exactly when i attack someone's squad in TW and during the battle choose to go to the options and "forfeit" (retreat) the battle?
a) Killed Enemies:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's killed squaddies still dead after the battle?
b) Turn Meters:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's Turn Meters reverted to their original value (as it was when the encounter started), or are the enemy team's Turn Meters fed ?
c) Ability Cooldowns:
After having used "forfeit", are enemy team's Ability Cooldowns reverted to their original values or do they stay "modified" (e.g. Nihilus' Annihilate impending on next turn / Fracrure used up etc.)
d) Timing out VS. Forfeit:
Does letting the battle time out have the same results (above questions) as using the "forfeit" option?
A lot of our Guild Members are interested in a rock-solid answer to these issues.
Thanks in advance !