Forum Discussion

kkid911's avatar
8 years ago

TW Rewards Change

For the next TW, minimally there needs to be a difference between the rewards of 2 guilds tying, and a guild in the same bracket losing. Tying guilds should not get First Place rewards, but they both deserve more than Second Place if they tie. For a tie, there should be an average of the rewards for both teams. Here is an example:

example: 100M-109.9M Bracket
1st place = 2 zeta, 1350 guild tokens, 450 GET, 3 omegas, 4 purple mats, 560k credits, W1-05A loot box
2nd place = 1 zeta, 1150 guild tokens, 375 GET, 2 omegas, 3 purple mats, 140k credits, W1-05B loot box

new tie reward: 2 zetas, 1250 guild tokens, 400 GET, 2 omegas, 4 purple mats, 350k credits, W1-05B loot box

And hopefully this is simpler to implement than a tiebreaker system of some kind, but tying guilds want to be differentiated from losing guilds because there is a difference.

- Finity

9 Replies

  • Totally agree.
    I don't think ties themselves are a huge problem. This mode is fun and that's the most important thing.

    Getting the losing rewards is a bit of a feel bad though. Just a small bump so we felt like we earned something.
  • totally agree. currently u actually have the incentive to throw a coin and just let one guild win, which is better overall than fight for a tie. all u do then is fight for diminished rewards for the ooponent
  • "Finity;d-146875" wrote:
    For the next TW, minimally there needs to be a difference between the rewards of 2 guilds tying, and a guild in the same bracket losing. Tying guilds should not get First Place rewards, but they both deserve more than Second Place if they tie. For a tie, there should be an average of the rewards for both teams. Here is an example:

    example: 100M-109.9M Bracket
    1st place = 2 zeta, 1350 guild tokens, 450 GET, 3 omegas, 4 purple mats, 560k credits, W1-05A loot box
    2nd place = 1 zeta, 1150 guild tokens, 375 GET, 2 omegas, 3 purple mats, 140k credits, W1-05B loot box

    new tie reward: 2 zetas, 1250 guild tokens, 400 GET, 2 omegas, 4 purple mats, 350k credits, W1-05B loot box

    And hopefully this is simpler to implement than a tiebreaker system of some kind, but tying guilds want to be differentiated from losing guilds because there is a difference.

    - Finity

    I think EA should think better how new content works.

    GvG was highly demanded, but the rewards were not well thinked in case of ties.

    A simple solution is to give extra banners in this cases:

    - By toons surviving an attack (in offense or defense mode).
    - By deploying non used toons, like in TB

    That could break the ties problem with a fair solution for the really stronger guild...
  • "Adlro;c-1369683" wrote:

    I think EA should think better how new content works.

    GvG was highly demanded, but the rewards were not well thinked in case of ties.

    A simple solution is to give extra banners in this cases:

    - By toons surviving an attack (in offense or defense mode).
    - By deploying non used toons, like in TB

    That could break the ties problem with a fair solution for the really stronger guild...

    Excellent idea
  • should consider giving X points each time a defense team survives an attack, and XX points for finishing first. The XX will incentivize guilds to put strong teams on defense instead of just saving everything for offense.
  • I think the guild who has less GP should get the tie breaker as they had less to work with.
  • "phatphil3;c-1374301" wrote:
    I think the guild who has less GP should get the tie breaker as they had less to work with.

    No. It should at least in some way be related to performance. Lower GP guilds would always play for tie if they knew they would "autowin" the tie breaker.