9 years ago
UI Changes Idea Thread
Something SWGOH always did well was giving a simple, good looking UI despite it being sometimes a rather complicated game. I have a few suggestions that I feel will make things alot easier and quicker:
Remove All Mods Button
I remember the simple yet useful button being added last fall called "clear squad" The same should be done with mods as in a "Remove All Mods" button.
Easier Training Droid Navigation
I think it would be really useful if we could tap a button and put in "increase character level to 70" and it auto-caculates the training droids needed and assigns them to the character.
Refresh Button On Guild Chat
You know how irritating it is to put in a period to refresh the unreliable chat? Very irritating. We should of had a refresh button from the start of guilds.
Switching Challenges
I think when you go to challenges, there should be a button that says "ship challenges" and it brings you to ship challenges. It's a but aggravating having to drag the screen a long ways just to get there.
Tell me what you like/don't like about these options.
Remove All Mods Button
I remember the simple yet useful button being added last fall called "clear squad" The same should be done with mods as in a "Remove All Mods" button.
Easier Training Droid Navigation
I think it would be really useful if we could tap a button and put in "increase character level to 70" and it auto-caculates the training droids needed and assigns them to the character.
Refresh Button On Guild Chat
You know how irritating it is to put in a period to refresh the unreliable chat? Very irritating. We should of had a refresh button from the start of guilds.
Switching Challenges
I think when you go to challenges, there should be a button that says "ship challenges" and it brings you to ship challenges. It's a but aggravating having to drag the screen a long ways just to get there.
Tell me what you like/don't like about these options.