Forum Discussion

ucantsay's avatar
6 years ago

unfair GAC matchmaking

My gp 4.5m

Other 7 players

  • It's like the same thread on repeat every day. Just posting GP doesn't tell us anything about the actual roster strength. The matchmaking is based on comparing the power rating of the top X characters on the rosters with X being double the number of defenses you can set multiplied by 5....i.e, if you have 8 defenses, then it's your top 80 characters...if you have 6 defenses, it's your top 60 characters, etc. For all we know, you have more G12s than everyone else in your group. If you want to talk about unfair, then it's a roster with 23 G12s facing a roster with 85 G12s, which is something that actually happened to me once under the old matchmaking system.