8 years ago
Unfortunate Bounty Hunters
I like the Bounty Hunters and was happy to see them get some action with the DS TB. So I sent some gears, mods, and a zeta their way and realized they're close to helpless (Boba zeta'd, him and IG-88 are G12, all have good potency+speed mods).
They're average to bad characters. As a faction, they lack about everything: just a bunch of random attackers, no tank, no heal, no friendly support / buffing buddy... Well, so far so good, it fits the description of the job all right. The only weak synergy is around those unreliable self-made sometimes-explosive devices, the Thermal Detonators.
And then, in their one-time chance to fame, some cruel mind pitched them against the worst possible combination: counters, stealth, taunt and cleanse:
Boba first has to ability block exactly all opponents, or hell will break loose.
Greedo and Zam launch a few bombs, some of which stick.
IG-88 Rapid Fires the whole enemy squad with his twin machine gun, and gets immediately gang-mugged by 3 or 4 counters, leaving him as good as a smoking pile of scattered spare parts.
Zam manages to escape one of the bolts sent her way and gets a turn. Time for the big show: chain bomb blowing! Except... Those damn bombs are all on guys that are stealth! She does her very cool electro goggles thing, with close to no effect at all.
Cad manages to stun one of the Pilots before it's too late, but then it's still too late because his twin brother cleanses the whole crew, gone are the bombs (and whatever other semi-useful debuffs that were still surviving)!
Now our heroes are left with mighty basic attacks while the Rebel scum feasts on heals, feeding each other TM, applying taunts on countering guys, calling assists like there's no tomorrow and sprinkling useful debuffs left right and center.
Despite the hopeless odds, I think I managed to win most battles, a few of them the feat of Boba alone who kept regaining his unique Resolve buff and reviving.
Zam has a really cool kit... except it just never works. It needs to get just a little boost, like ignore taunt, ignore stealth, whatever, but actually manage to target those bombs. It's already hard as hell to make them stick one whole turn!
And the cool electro thing could actually do something useful (evasion down is really not a thing, in times when other characters apply slow, ability block, daze, offense down and steal TM all at once, while also gaining close to 50% TM doing so).
Boba's actually quite all right.
IG-88 was mighty and dreadful in 2015. Now he's just parts for Watto's junkyard.
Greedo... enough said?
They're average to bad characters. As a faction, they lack about everything: just a bunch of random attackers, no tank, no heal, no friendly support / buffing buddy... Well, so far so good, it fits the description of the job all right. The only weak synergy is around those unreliable self-made sometimes-explosive devices, the Thermal Detonators.
And then, in their one-time chance to fame, some cruel mind pitched them against the worst possible combination: counters, stealth, taunt and cleanse:
Boba first has to ability block exactly all opponents, or hell will break loose.
Greedo and Zam launch a few bombs, some of which stick.
IG-88 Rapid Fires the whole enemy squad with his twin machine gun, and gets immediately gang-mugged by 3 or 4 counters, leaving him as good as a smoking pile of scattered spare parts.
Zam manages to escape one of the bolts sent her way and gets a turn. Time for the big show: chain bomb blowing! Except... Those damn bombs are all on guys that are stealth! She does her very cool electro goggles thing, with close to no effect at all.
Cad manages to stun one of the Pilots before it's too late, but then it's still too late because his twin brother cleanses the whole crew, gone are the bombs (and whatever other semi-useful debuffs that were still surviving)!
Now our heroes are left with mighty basic attacks while the Rebel scum feasts on heals, feeding each other TM, applying taunts on countering guys, calling assists like there's no tomorrow and sprinkling useful debuffs left right and center.
Despite the hopeless odds, I think I managed to win most battles, a few of them the feat of Boba alone who kept regaining his unique Resolve buff and reviving.
Zam has a really cool kit... except it just never works. It needs to get just a little boost, like ignore taunt, ignore stealth, whatever, but actually manage to target those bombs. It's already hard as hell to make them stick one whole turn!
And the cool electro thing could actually do something useful (evasion down is really not a thing, in times when other characters apply slow, ability block, daze, offense down and steal TM all at once, while also gaining close to 50% TM doing so).
Boba's actually quite all right.
IG-88 was mighty and dreadful in 2015. Now he's just parts for Watto's junkyard.
Greedo... enough said?