Forum Discussion

GoldenPakari's avatar
2 years ago

Unlimited Bonus Attacks Cannot Be Called a "Balanced team"

In essence, I'm at the last battle of Conquest Sector 3 and. Each. One. Of. My. Units. Are. Getting. Defeated. Sana Starros is giving Rebel Allies suspicious, which gives them 100% Crit Chance, and thus with The Odds, they're able to constantly gain bonus attacks, even though attacks after the first are 25%. This is outrageous. A level 80 team can be defeated by a measly level 65 team because of this. I can't get rid of it either, since Suspicious is a debuff rather than a buff. I've spent and wasted Conquest Credits on consumables to get past this (why is my 11% evasion not coming into effect) and they simply will get past. Uncounterable attacks and revives make things worse.

Is the Steadfast Retribution Tech worth investing in (using Crystals)?
  • Nowhere close to getting those, though I've already finished it. Wonder if I can get CLS and 3PO in time. Chewie I'm almost close to unlocking.
  • There are also ways to prevent crits, which prevents their extra attacks. Since you're only level 80, not sure how many of those are available to you :(
  • Yeah, that's a pretty rough situation in Easy Conquest.

    Later you'll pick up toons like Hux that can help you, but right now? Oof.

    I guess all I can do is encourage you to get and level Hux before next Conquest. Together with KRU you might be able to get past this node. (I can't say for sure since I've never played easy conquest.)

    There are other solutions preventing Crits, but they are either less accessible (JMK) or work less well (e.g. grant critical Immunity buff after the start of the battle, so you may lose toons before it comes into play).

    The other option is Critical Avoid mods. But of course that only reduces the chance of writing, and I don't know this squads critical Chance. Because of that anything less than full critical immunity will have an uncertain chance of helping you.
  • It says in Hux's kit that "enemies can't gain bonus turn meter," or does that apply also to bonus attacks?
  • Sorry, you all are correct.

    It's SLKR's kit that produces critical immunity, but only with Advantage, which is provided by Hux. It's the interaction between the two.

    I guess since it requires SLKR it's out of the reach of Stick Surfer for the time being. Sorry about that.