7 years ago
Update KRU
Seriously!! Nerf kylo unmasked!!! I was in a squad arena with 4 of my characters vs kylo. They were the same lvl and gear lvl but he just heals everything i damage and wins. Im so angry im thinking of deleting the game!!
"Was_Whut;c-1498152" wrote:
[Now, I do agree with your sentiment, but do you not think that if all toons were viable, rather than a handful that can decimate all others, this would actually make for a more varied and competitive, strategic playing field?
If so, then I suggest that this actually could make for a considerably better game.
"Was_Whut;c-1498152" wrote:"CoastalJames;c-1498127" wrote:
Maybe every chacracter in the game should be exactly the same and super-weak.
Wouldn't that be a fantastic and fulfilling game to play?
Maybe make everyone of them Chewie.
I get what you're saying and agree, to an extent.
I do not agree with the OP and do not think KRU (or any other character) should be nerfed because a player hasn't figured out how to counter him, yet.
But if all characters were "super weak" as you call it, then none of them would actually be "super weak".
They would all be the same strength &, without something stronger to put them in the shade, maybe none of them would seem or appear to be weak?
Now, I do agree with your sentiment, but do you not think that if all toons were viable, rather than a handful that can decimate all others, this would actually make for a more varied and competitive, strategic playing field?
If so, then I suggest that this (despite your remark being obviously made in humour) actually could make for a considerably better game.
"Was_Whut;c-1498167" wrote:
I also like this aspect, but it kind of fits with my prior post, in that if this is what keeps you interested and there are only 4 or 5 teams to beat, due to the (**** limiting) existence of a META, wouldn't you prefer greater variety and have maybe 20 or 30 different team compositions, synergies and skills to figure out, than just the 4 or 5 that are "in" at the moment?
Wouldn't it be better to have to dig into your roster and find someone, maybe previously unused, who has the skills to defeat the specific team's skill-set that you're facing, rather than having 100 odd toons sitting there without any real viable use & maybe 25 - 30 who do?
(almost) (looking at you CUP) every toon was viable at some point.
"Ugnaught;c-1497808" wrote:
I rarely see any FO teams in arena. When I do they are pushovers. Healing can never keep up with decent dps. I don't think the issue here is the little bit of healing ZKRU does.
I guess I'm questioning your arena team if you can't out dps KRUs heal.