Forum Discussion

Rangerj1999's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Update on MINI and What Is Being Done

Hey Everyone,

Some of you may know who I am, some may not. I am Rangerj1999 from Reality Skewed Gamers, a streamer for SWGOH, and like all of you I have been moved by MINI's story, as well as the entire content creators for this Game. I have been seeing a lot of post about this and since we are taking point on what is happening for MINI, I wanted to let you all know what the content creators are doing, what we have done, what will be happening soon and what you can do.

First, thank you to the community, guilds and shards for doing the name change to MINI. It means a lot and if you can keep letting people know and asking others for the name change, that would be greatly appreciated.

Second, big thank you to CG, specifically Doja and especially Crumb for changing their name to MINI. As soon as I asked and shared the situation with Crumb he did not hesitate and made the change. We have been in contact with the family and I know Crumb did as well, to see what the family wanted and what we could do for them. I know everyone at CG is doing everything they can at the moment.

That leads me to what is happening in the background. K8gaming got with me and asked what we could do and we decided to do a charity stream, which I will cover further down in this post. Shout out to K8 and the Bounty Hunnies for setting up the Tiltify. The family asked that if we did donations it went to a specific Charity and that is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. We have it set up and you guys are proving again why this community rocks. So far we have raised over $4000 and rising, and we have not even done the charity stream yet!! If you would like to donate please do here:

Share your thoughts and prayers, or share your stories in the message when you donate. Just as it is affecting MINI, Cancer has touched all of us in some way. My story is like many of yours, I myself lost my father to Cancer and is one of the reasons I am a Gamer for Cancer and work with the American Cancer Society, through streaming to help raise money for their cause.

Also huge shout out to all the content creators, who are doing all they can and have joined forces. Huge props to Arnald and Cubs for the video they did for MINI, being that those two are his favorite streamers. Also shout out to Cubs who actually sang for MINI on his stream yesterday, singing Weird Al's "The Saga Begins," one of MINI's favorites.

The other content creators, through the GACenter are all doing video messages for MINI to send to him and his family to show our support as well. The Escape podcast/GACenter and those associated with them, have volunteered to cut and get it ready ASAP to send to MINI and his family, and it is much appreciated.

Lastly, as many as can make it, from content creators, to CG with be on a special Jedi Academy Stream this Saturday, Starting at 10 AM EST, to continue to raise money for MINI. It will be an extended stream and we invite everyone to join us and hangout, as we continue to fight for MINI and his family and help raise money for a worthy cause. The link to the stream can be found here:

Thank you again community for showing why you are the best gaming community out there and we look forward to seeing you Saturday.


MINI Rangerj1999