2 years ago
Updates for character sort UI
Here are a few suggestions for updating the way characters can be sorted:
Rarity - I think the rarity sort should take into account the number of shards a character has. For example, a 6-star character with 99/100 shards is much closer to 7-star than the one with 1/100 shards.
Gear Tier - This should really be Gear Tier/Relic Level, since relics are a natural extension of the gear tier. I know others have asked for a relic sort, I believe this is an easy way to do it. I'm not sure if number of gear equipped would be too much to suggest as well...
Name - I'm not sure why this doesn't exist in its own right, since it's the default subsort after basically any other sort selection.
Subsort - Honestly, this the real suggestion of this post. It would be nice to select a few sort options (maybe up to 5) with name always being the final sort method. Then the previous suggestions become adding new shard number sort, relic level sort, and equipped gear sort so that I can just build the above scenarios myself. I'm sure the mod sort UI could benefit from this idea as well.
Favorite If allowing multiple subsorts, I would add favorite sort as an option for completion's sake. Then we can recreate the current "All" default of favorite, then power, then name.