Forum Discussion

Sharkmilkk's avatar
8 years ago

Vader Before Mustafar?

Seeing a lot of people talk about Vader needing an update/ extra Zeta etc.
Then I saw a comment saying that if there are gonna be multiple versions of the same characters, there should be Vader before his fight on Mustafar.

It would answer both problems in my opinion?
We get a new dark side character and Vaders character gets a second wind? (Hooded Anakin/Chosen apprentice Darth Vader)

Throw in a new Zeta on Palpatine and put some synergy between them and boom? Profit?

OR! Go hard and introduce a new Sheev. Like the way he was in revenge of the Sith (single bladed lightsaber, fought Yoda and mace).

What do you guys think? Hooded Vader and Newly Appointed Emperor Sheev? Would love your thoughts.

Also, any dev happening to read this. Implementing these two along with a separatist rework would be very fitting. Just saying!
  • Vader doesn't need a rework. New characters are cool, but current Vader is powerful and useful in multiple game modes.
  • "Dretzle;c-1227946" wrote:
    Vader doesn't need a rework. New characters are cool, but current Vader is powerful and useful in multiple game modes.

    False. I saw a CLS with power above 20,000. Vader can't get anywhere near that. It's an abomination to have a Bespin Luke more powerful than Vader.
  • "AnakedJaywalker;c-1228050" wrote:
    Surely his synergy would be with Sidious, not Palpatine?

    Well technically, Sid assumes his role as Emperor immediately after he's disfigured so I suppose after the fight with Mace and onwards, he'd be considered more as Emperor Palpatine than he would be Darth Sidious (in reference to game toons)