Forum Discussion

Meese_Rancher's avatar
9 years ago

Ventress' Leader Ability - Turn Meter Reduction

Now that turn meter reduction is able to be resisted, is Ventress' leader ability going to be looked at?

Even before this update the 25% chance to remove only 10% turn meter seemed too low with little to no impact. Now that it can be negated, it feels like it is practically non-existent.

Can this ability be looked at and adjusted for the recent change to turn meter reduction? Perhaps increase the amount removed to 20%

1 Reply

  • Now that turn meter reduction is able to be resisted, is Ventress' leader ability going to be looked at?

    If the problem is frequency (and, I admit, it's a very minor power, given that it's NSs only, and only 25% of the time, and resistible at that), then it wouldn't make sense to increase the amount removed. It would make sense to make it a 50% chance to activate... then they can try to resist, and the power will be back to something like it was intended. other characters were a much bigger problem than Ventress ever was with diddling opponents' turn meters. I don't think this nerf was aimed at Ventress, but it sure did make this a tad ridiculous.

    A better way to change it might be to give +10% TM for Ventress' ally on any hit that does damage, instead of -10%TM for Ventress' enemy.

    In fact, I have long thought that the NS toons are too shut away in their own world, with not enough utility elsewhere and on mixed teams. If the speed bonus of Ventress' leadership ability is kept NS only, she could give +10% TM to ALL allies, so that when running a mixed team, the other toons would get some benefit from having her as leader. It would also make her a better ally choice: her speed would mainly apply to her (since, presumably, there are a lot more non-NS teams than NS teams), boosting her speed to reasonable...but then the team members would each get +10% TM for causing damage, whether they are NSs or not.