8 years ago
Ver Update 9: 08/28/2017 [MEGA]
"kozispoon wrote: Rejoice! The remaining components of our Territory Battle update are going live today! This means all the highly anticipated content detailed in our forum Version Update notes < >...
"TommySitt;c-1185512" wrote:
So"Vinny_Vader_Vedi;c-1185484" wrote:
I ve heard rumblings - that these won't come for awhile because of newer/new players it's too daunting to achieve. Personally, cap increase is bound to happen eventually and I'm open to it. Would be nice to have extra tiers of heists and challenges that go with it.
As for gear - this is probably the most frustrating thing in the game overall. The best way to get gear is to spend/save purp. The gear bottleneck / drop/rng from raids is pretty terrible.
The way I read into it flash events were created for the gear bottleneck.. but doesn't look so good as we are only getting 3 days of them this month.
My hope is this - flash events continue to be a monthly thing and territory battles' reward of "exclusive " gear are no for tier 11-12 but those pieces we so desperately need.
Sorry for the wall of text.
Besides not tailoring lvl cap increases to server age, the other thing that baffles me is, when we increase gear tier, why the previous gear is still nearly as difficult to obtain?
When we went to gear 11, stun cuffs, MK3 Carbantis, stun guns, etc. should have been made more plentiful, f2p. I don't consider adding them to the fleet shop at a steep price when in competition with zetas and ship shards "easier to obtain." GW shop, PvP shop, or guild shop would have been a much more appropriate place to make these available.
The norm for this type of game is to make lower tier gear more bountiful, and make difficult to farm the highest tier items. What the devs don't realize/ignore is, that while new gear should be a grind, we have a few new toons added monthly, and they also need to make the journey to g11. Most of us don't have 80 g11 toons on-hand.