It's not as game breaking as id originally thought after preliminary tests but still pretty freakin strong strategy. Played a whole GW campaign and got crit 3 times across all nodes across all characters.
That mod 24% crit avoid
Sun Fac -25% crit chance
Grevious leader
-74% chance to crit.
Removed all the spike damage, nullified Rey and GS, made leia look like a wet noodle. It was rediculous!
Most chars don't have above a 50% Chance to crit even while modded for it
Grevious lead and that mod along bring enemy crit chance to single disgust, or below!! 0% chance to be crit is very achievable and while I admit having Grevious on team just for that is not ideal, the survivablity my team had was insane!
My 4 star lvl 60 gear 7 Grevious did a full run of GW and only died on last node
Pretty entertaining if nothing else...
(Full team modded for protection and those crit reduc mods)
Sun Fac
Old Ben
Watch the enemy time out on defence