Forum Discussion

mudpuppy630511's avatar
6 years ago

Visas Marr

Is it possible to tag her under the Old Republic, and tag her as a Jedi in addition to her healer tag?
  • Veritlyn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "Pyrefly;c-1922759" wrote:
    The version of Visas Marr that we have in-game is not a part of the either of those factions.

    Light Side Visas is definitely a Jedi, she was Dark Side up until being made one of the Lost Jedi by Meetra Surik. So the Visas in game should indeed be Old Republic and Jedi.
  • "DarthVeritlyn;c-1922956" wrote:
    "Pyrefly;c-1922759" wrote:
    The version of Visas Marr that we have in-game is not a part of the either of those factions.

    Light Side Visas is definitely a Jedi, she was Dark Side up until being made one of the Lost Jedi by Meetra Surik. So the Visas in game should indeed be Old Republic and Jedi.

    Yeah seems the game is following canon. who knows. We may get another KOTOR expansion in the inclusion of the sequel due to this being the 15th anniversary of TSL.
  • The version of Visas Marr that we have in-game is not a part of the either of those factions.
  • As much as I'd love to get an Old Republic tag for her, it would be more for practical in-game reasons, but actually it's true that she was not part of the faction at that time. And she was no Jedi either, before following Meetra. But she has always been light sided, even when serving Darth Nihilus; she did what he forced her to do until she saw her chance of getting out of it. As a Miraluka, it's in her nature to be Force-sensitive, but she had nothing to do with the Jedi Counsil and their codex.
  • Veritlyn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "CadoaBane;c-1927086" wrote:
    As much as I'd love to get an Old Republic tag for her, it would be more for practical in-game reasons, but actually it's true that she was not part of the faction at that time. And she was no Jedi either, before following Meetra. But she has always been light sided, even when serving Darth Nihilus; she did what he forced her to do until she saw her chance of getting out of it. As a Miraluka, it's in her nature to be Force-sensitive, but she had nothing to do with the Jedi Counsil and their codex.

    Her being Light Side while following Nihilus isn't true. In the game when she becomes your companion her balance meter is 100% Dark Side just like HK-47's. You also gain influence with her faster by completeing Dark Side actions. Not to mention the other companions all refer to her as the Sith Apprentice.

    So I can accept this version of Visas not being considered a Sith, but the Light Side version is clearly her as one of the Lost Jedi following Meetra. She needs the Jedi tag at the very least, and the Old Republic tag preferably.
  • Veritlyn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "DarthKoon;c-1927983" wrote:
    Forgive me, I'm still on KOTOR 1 and not up to 2 yet, but wouldn't a lost Jedi be different to a normal Jedi?

    Also, perhaps someone should ask the devs, perhaps via Q&A,why she doesn't have whatever tags. I would bit I used up my one question already.

    Just to clarify the Lost Jedi just means they were the ones who Meetra had to bring back to the Light Side to create a new Jedi Council. Atton Rand, Visas Marr, Brianna, and Bao-Dur were the Lost Jedi.
  • "DarthVeritlyn;c-1928142" wrote:
    "DarthKoon;c-1927983" wrote:
    Forgive me, I'm still on KOTOR 1 and not up to 2 yet, but wouldn't a lost Jedi be different to a normal Jedi?

    Also, perhaps someone should ask the devs, perhaps via Q&A,why she doesn't have whatever tags. I would bit I used up my one question already.

    Just to clarify the Lost Jedi just means they were the ones who Meetra had to bring back to the Light Side to create a new Jedi Council. Atton Rand, Visas Marr, Brianna, and Bao-Dur were the Lost Jedi.

    Though most likely if they ever came to the game, they woukd get a lost jedi tag similar to how darth revan got a sith empore tag so they can have new mechanics for that team without having gk and yoda be req for the new meta.
  • Veritlyn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-1928175" wrote:
    "DarthVeritlyn;c-1928142" wrote:
    "DarthKoon;c-1927983" wrote:
    Forgive me, I'm still on KOTOR 1 and not up to 2 yet, but wouldn't a lost Jedi be different to a normal Jedi?

    Also, perhaps someone should ask the devs, perhaps via Q&A,why she doesn't have whatever tags. I would bit I used up my one question already.

    Just to clarify the Lost Jedi just means they were the ones who Meetra had to bring back to the Light Side to create a new Jedi Council. Atton Rand, Visas Marr, Brianna, and Bao-Dur were the Lost Jedi.

    Though most likely if they ever came to the game, they woukd get a lost jedi tag similar to how darth revan got a sith empore tag so they can have new mechanics for that team without having gk and yoda be req for the new meta.

    That's probably accurate