Welcome to 2025: What if we had a forum?
Here's an idea. What if this year we had a place where people could post about various issues and then, later, others could come along and comment on those things and the servers remembered those comments in a way that allowed them to easily reproduce them for anyone browsing the web.
Like, what if, instead of hiding the comments away behind "read more" they were just there when you scrolled down? What if you could skip down to the last place you'd been reading the last time you were in that same comment thread? What if there was a place where the entire point was reading about what's happening in SWGOH and the one thing the place did well was make it easy to read about what's happening in SWGOH?
I'm not a programmer. There are a whole bunch of nerdy law questions you might have someday where I'd be the right person to ask, but I am not a programmer. I don't know how hard it is to create a place where there's text and then more text and you can find the text that you want instead of being stuck behind text that you don't want, but I do know that when I was a teenager volunteering in a science museum in the 1990s they had this thing called "Usenet" and you could find things to read easily and quickly even on computers that are now 30 years worth of obsolete.
The badges are cool. I'm glad we can bold and attach photos and whatnot. But I still want a place where we can read text, leave, come back and skip to the place we were the last time we were here so we can just read the text we haven't read yet.
It doesn't seem like a huge ask, given computers were doing this quite a long time ago. Why is this website so great at flashing me cool colored badges and so bad for just reading text?
That's my dream for 2025: a forum where you can actually read things. Crazy, I know, but I'm clinging to the belief that it's still possible.