8 years ago
We've tried...
We've asked for communication. We've asked you not rush new content. Please, get it right. I'd rather it be right and late than on time and.... this. We asked that you not lock TB territories at 3* ...
"Parableman;c-1368233" wrote:
I think you're wrong about the 3* lock. Lots of people said they had no problem whatsoever with it. It seems pointless to me to worry about it for a ship territory or light side phase 1, since it doesn't hurt anything to let people continue, but in the other phases it helps to have it and causes zero problems whatsoever. None of the reasons people have given for loathing this move make any sense from an objective perspective of seeing a TB as a guild activity that you do collectively for collective rewards.
In our guild, the reason we would keep track of people's total contribution is because we didn't have individual contributions per phase. Now that we do, the total for the entire TB is irrelevant. We want to know if people are skipping out when they are needed, not whether they contributed ships to a phase that they weren't needed in, or (perish the thought) showed up so late that the already finished phase 1 didn't list them for a contribution. It's totally unnecessary to let people do damage or add points that won't accomplish anything, in a game mode where individual contribution doesn't matter.
I know that quite a lot of people expressed this at the time, and I'm sure far more didn't say it even though they thought it, because people who don't have a problem with what is done are far less likely to be moved to say it, whereas people who are upset are far more likely to express it. So even if there are more posts agreeing with you, that doesn't mean it's a majority view, and we know from psychological studies that we have cognitive biases to pick up more on information that supports our own view. I didn't do an objective count of how many said what, but it did seem to me that a lot of people were on both sides, and the side that has less motivation to keep saying what they thought may have been less, but we have reasons to expect that. So I don't think we have good reasons to think your view is the overwhelming majority view, by any means. And there are actually important problems that I'd rather have them working on, such as the ticket counter and all the new problems with the DS TB.