Forum Discussion

CG_Doja_Fett's avatar
4 years ago

What Am I Even Doing Here?

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Hard to believe it's only been a few days - not even a week yet - since CG_Doja_Fett was announced on the forums.

It's been exciting and seeing the passion of the players is not unexpected at all, but it is a treat and a reminder of what games mean to so many of us, as well as their power to bring us together.

More than anything, I know I have my work cut out. There will be a ramping up process as we get to know each other and my role crystalizes. We're gonna have some fun together, and inevitably, I'm sure I'll have my setbacks and disappointments. It just comes with the territory. We're all human (at least I can't disprove otherwise. I've given blood and it seems to be mostly organic compounds in there), and part of my function is to communicate with a vast number of people. Communication is wonderful, weird, necessary and tricky.

If you've ever been in a relationship, you know communication is vital, not always easy, and sometimes downright difficult. But, at the end of the day, it's usually the thing that either brings people together or drives them apart. This is a function and responsibility I acknowledge, and given there have been questions about my role, I'll take a stab at answering some of them -- and also would like to set some expectations. In the long run, I hope it helps us understand each other better in the moments when I don't have answers, can't have answers, or have undesirable answers. It's going to happen.

Do I take this personally?
The good things, yes. The bad things, no. If I'm able to help people out, make the game more fun, or provide some insight that has a positive effect, I genuinely feel good about it. As far as the bad times, there are just too many variables that contribute to my ability to always deliver happy news, and if I let that bother me, it'd detract from the more important things we're trying to do. These variables range widely, from IP-protection to legal, or things being too early in the dev cycle to emergencies that steal my focus; not to mention hundreds, if not thousands of things going on behind the scenes. As a player, behind the scenes endeavors that can't be expressed in detail means very little. I get that. It's frustrating for both of us.

I'll do the best I can, which will definitely not be good enough for everyone. I know what I've gotten myself into, and I'm here for it. Just don't ever attack my pet parrot, Wampa. I'll never forgive you for that. Also, my pet parrot, Wampa, is definitely NOT a thing I just made up to deflect the haters' attention when they're looking to hurt me as deeply as possible. He is very real (nope) and his name is Wampa (pretty cool name for a parrot, honestly) and he is beautiful (in my mind).

What is my role?
I crafted a lengthy list of all my duties, but it seems more suited for a resume. So, I'll simplify things and say ideally I'm spending half my day on the forums or otherwise trying to engage the players, and the other half helping the Comms team with formulating long-term visions and goals. Or I'm trying to track down answers/clrification on issues and that takes time. There's a lot going on, but I'm fortunate to be part of a team and not just out here on an island trying to balance a juggling act by myself. Some days the split won't look as 50/50 (engagement-vs-behind the scenes duties) as I'd like. Some days I'll cry as a I eat tacos.

Although, if you're eating a taco how bad can things be?

What else?
Well, I'm aware that things I do now may bite me later. Precedents I set now will be expectations in the future. Promises I make will be thrown in my face if they don't manifest. So, there's a balancing act between saying what I want in the moment and then having to deal with mobs wielding pitchforks as future-Doja_Fett. I expect to be ridiculed at some point. I'll be called a shill or a sham. It's just how it is. But, I'll do my best. Some days will be great. Others will be tough. The inherent task is such that I'll never to be able to please everyone. However, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. As human beings, we all face hardships in life and bad days at work. I'm fortunate to be able to work at a video game studio on a Star Wars game, and I'm thankful for the opportunity.

Just please, PLEASE, whatever happens, never attack Wampa, my VERY REAL pet parrot. Doing so would exploit my greatest weakness and wound me beyond belief.

This is the way.