The problem I see is that the balance between fun and spending money has shifted more towards the side of money, and has been continuing to shift. The shift towards even more RNG is my biggest problem with this. More RNG means people lose arena and ship arena battles more often resulting in more refreshes with crystals across the arena shards. I see this mostly with the ship update. I felt ships did need a rework, and what they claimed they wanted to do with ships was good, but the execution of it (intentional or not) just resulted in more RNG causing people to lose more on offense when they should win the battle. Turn meter manipulators like Reaper, and Tie Fighter Pilot don't work so well now on offense, and are very frustrating.
Arena I don't have much issue now as I am one of the few Traya users so far in my shard. There is a lot of RNG in arena right now, particularly with Rex lead, and Palpatine teams though, and this results in a lot of frustration. The coin flip thread demonstrates this.
The Sith Raid I am beginning to enjoy more lately as my teams have gotten stronger so bad RNG that forces restarting has gone down more, although there is still frustration, particularly with phase 3. I have noticed participation in my guild has gone down with this raid, and I attribute it to RNG forcing restarts to being so frustrating. Some people in my guild quit the game shortly after the release as it was so exhausting the first few times running heroic sith.
The reward structure of the Sith raid are a disaster judging by the feedback I have seen here, particularly for players outside the top 10 for heroic Sith, and for lower sith tiers, particularly for the insane health of the raid making it last so long. I was happy to see the rewards change was initially reversed so that CG could spend more time coming up with a solution that the community appreciated more, but I don't feel like that was achieved. Players outside top 10 are getting pretty disgruntled. Even players outside top 10 are having to put in a lot of effort into the raid putting up big numbers so deserve better rewards.
I hope this shift can be reversed more towards fun again, but I don't have a great deal of confidence that it will at this point. The community keeps expressing much frustration with the state of things, and it seems that instead things just keep getting worse instead of better.