I don’t think it’ll matter too much if they don’t balance this game out. With the release of all these new characters and events, we are falling behind credits, gear, ability mats, and zetas. Most of us will have thousands of challenge gear, while some raid gear we sit with single digit numbers. I haven’t had a mk5 droid caller drop for me in 3 months, but end up getting things like (12) mk8 Neuro Electrobinoculars which already have 3,615 of. We get $5 million in credits (95% of the time) but that don’t level up a character to 85. The zetas are another issue. There are too many characters needing zetas, but a lot of times we will end up with 1out of 20 per week. This is a great game to play, we just need some minor adjustments to keep up with the times.