2 years ago
what's the point of such extreme difficulty even in normal conquest, sector 3?
I'm a 3.1 million PG player, my fastest character is Gideon with 323 speed plus 20 for the lead of Veers (343). With this speed I didn't even get to play a single turn in the penultimate battle of sector 3 of the normal conquest, against a JTR team with BB-8 and C3-PO. Even if I stun BB-8 with Han, he still plays earlier. Does this mean that either I have a legend or I can't advance beyond sector 3 of the normal conquest? With this degree of difficulty for the rewards they offer, in my opinion the only thing you achieve is to drive players away from the game. Could you tell me what is the effective speed of BB-8 and C3PO in this scenario? Thank you so much.