12 months ago
When is the new lightspeed bundle??
Its been 2 weeks only i get it but it didnt add much new and given that before it was like 1 week wait once i wouldnt really get why it would take a month unless 3 new bundles come one but im really looking forward to the next round of them i hope that they the character that is comming soon, soon... i think its jar jar binks or darth binks i hope jar jar binks isnt a journey guide i hope its an event and darth binks a journey guide,
I just noticed but why is darth plaguesnot in the game??? Hes a really inportant character, better than 5 ahsoka variants 💀
I just noticed but why is darth plaguesnot in the game??? Hes a really inportant character, better than 5 ahsoka variants 💀