Forum Discussion

rfawn503's avatar
5 years ago

Which one first? GL Rey or Kylo?

So I’ve read the kit reveals and still undecided which to go for first?
Rey will no doubt help in LS geo TB but the toon requirements seem tougher farm than for Kylo. Also cos no one has played either yet it’s tricky to know who is better and in what areas of the game.
As well as voting would appreciate explaination behind your choice
  • Simply because, I made the call early on to go DS for two reasons... one I took the path of least Resistance (Kylo lol) and two because knowing this game Insane LS content now means DS content on the way (leap frog).

    In hindsight I 1000% stand by my descision, first Kylo’s kit is being misunderstood and under rated. Second Rey didn’t get the Jedi Tag (without the Jedi tag she is so limited in how it will help for LSTB)... and third I don’t have to Relic Rose or work on the hot garbage that’s is Holdos ship.

    I will now continue my Leapfrog style of playing this game (No GAS here) and start hoarding again until a new meta Faction roles out or the new GL gets released, in which case given a choice I will most likely to LS to balance out my at that point (outdated Kylo)...

    I’m also curious to see how many are actually ready for this event vs long term unlock,,, I’m almost ready to roll, couple more gear 12 pieces for Hux and trooper to finish and 10 more Ship shards.