Forum Discussion

CG_SBCrumb's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Who is this Crumb guy? A Quick Introduction

Hello fellow Holotable Heroes,

You may have seen a few of my posts around the forums or in CG_Carrie’s recent State of the Galaxy post that mentioned me joining EA and Capital Games as Sr. Community Manager. I’ll just start with that I’m very excited to join the team and dive into this awesome community.

Who is this guy?
I’m not one for talking about myself, but I only get the opportunity for an introduction once so here goes!

My name is Chris and I go by CG_SBCrumb around these parts. I joined Capital games earlier this month. Like most people here, I’ve been a massive Star Wars fan since I was young. I also became obsessed with computers and videogames probably due to my family working in tech since punch cards and mechanical adding machines. There was always a computer in my home and from an old UNIX box my love for games grew to encompass just about every type and genre. I’ll have fun whether it’s an FPS, strategy or board game or whatever, but my favorites usually involve me staring at a wiki for hours.

I can’t pick just one so here are my top five games of all time in no particular order:

  • The Incredible Machine
  • Team Fortress 2
  • FTL
  • Dwarf Fortress
  • Total Annihilation

Besides work, playing video games, and being a Star Wars superfan, I also enjoy sailing, disc golf and painting miniatures. I lived on a sailboat for several years, and the ocean became another obsession of mine. I’ve sailed up the coast of California, island hopped around the Mediterranean and dove the Great Barrier Reef.

I started my career shooting and editing video for special events in the Monterey Bay Area. My educational background is in Film and Digital Media but shortly after college I realized I had mixed up my career and my hobby. My real passion was working in games and had an opportunity to join this awesome industry early in 2013.

What Can CG_Crumb Do For Me?
Enough about my life, what can I do for you?

I will have a variety of responsibilities as Community Manager but a core part of my day to day will be improving our communication with you. I want to let you behind the curtain as much as I can and bring you in on why we make decisions such as why we balance this character like this, etc. Basically, be the conduit from the developer’s mouth to your ears...but conversations go both ways. We also need to listen to you to make this work. That would not be easy even if everyone in the community agreed on a direction! Players can engage with our game differently and therefore have many different needs. We need to understand and support all of these folks. In short, we have some listening to do, and we need to continue to build the conversation between all of us.

I expect a good part of my job will be handing requests from both sides trying to communicate and get more information about the other. Expect more on this topic later.
This is not something that only I am passionate about improving but I have been told repeatedly, this is an important priority for us. To be clear, this won’t happen overnight and we won’t get everything right the first time but we will unrelentingly drive towards making it better. That’s my promise to you.

How can I Help?
Remember we are humans, sometimes we don’t see posts right away, we make copy pasta errors, we don’t always get it perfect but we have some amazing developers, forum moderators and game changers in this community that care deeply about making this game the best it can be. We all have strong feelings about the game. Sometimes we can let that intensity run wild enough to be abrasive to others and just rub people the wrong way. My ask of everyone is to try to all be passionate gamers but not aggressive and remember that we all care about the same thing, making a great game. That said, ya’ll seem pretty nice so far!

One of the most helpful thing for us is to be constructive and concise with your feedback. We comb through tons of it, collate it in to reports and closely compare it to our game data but we sometimes miss important details in walls of text. Try to avoid that if you can but I can be guilty of this sometimes. (see this post…)

We unfortunately can’t be everywhere and see everything all the time, so we need your help. If you see something going wrong or a bug, let us know. You can make all our lives much easier by escalating critical issues to us and the moderators. This in turn give us more time to do the fun stuff and spend more time on things like making our next patch great.

Lastly, I’m curious to hear from all you folks as well about your experiences with Galaxy of Heroes. I’d love to hear about your journey with the game so far. I’ve about mastered Phoenix squad but I’d love to hear your tips and suggestions on where to go next.

Thanks for listening everybody. I look forward to working with you all.

Here’s a short ice breaker to get the thread started: This your moment. You’re in front of bosses. You get to make ONE hypothetical change to game. Not two, not three, five is right out:

How do you make the biggest impact on the game today with just one change? Why did you pick this one over other important improvements?