You've obviously not read the what, 30+ pages about the ahnald situation. It's not about his breech of the ToS, it's about how cg knowingly negotiated with cheaters to allow them to have a suspension for a week (at the time of their choosing no less) then a ban as they themselves stated. It's about them knowingly compromising and undermining the people who have spent thousands of dollars to stay ahead only to be brushed aside as though they didn't matter because cheating is ok.
Yes what ahnald did was a loose breech of the ToS ( he wasn't account sharing and didn't purchase the account, it was gifted to him), he only was caught because he contacted them about a bug that still exists, that prevented him from spending his own money on crystals.. his reward was that account being banned.
On-top of that, their complete silence (not only with the ahnald situation) but overall in the last 6 months. The empty promises, lack of support and more. There are still bugs that have existed for over a year that have yet to be fixed (ie 5s ) that they have no intention on correcting. The horrible matching system for gac and tw, further made worse by the inception of galactic legends. I could go on and on, but numerous threads (those that haven't been buried or deleted) speak volumes for how cg really doesn't care what the community thinks.
And the cherry on-top, after all of this, is the announcement of Jedi Knight luke. Now I'll reserve my thoughts on this until we know more on Monday, but now was not the time for this. This is more just a slap in the face, not only as a poor attempt to side step and ignore the ahnald situation (which no statement has been released about) but more so as a slap to those who spent hundreds, if not thousands on acquiring and gearing their GLS.