Forum Discussion

colder17's avatar
7 years ago

Why is Tie Advanced so bad?

Just wondering. Ships 2.0 seems not to have changed anything.

With Anakin's legendary skill as a pilot, and Darth Vader's centrality to the series, along with Tie Advanced's menacing presence in Ep IV, Rebels, and others... why does it suck so bad in SWGOH?

Even after giving all my freebie mats to it and upgrading it, the thing holds up like a balsa wood plane in combat.

Shouldn't it be a viable ship in the Fleet Arena?

Thanks for listening.
  • All the sheep under the sun run Chimera, biggs, Tie Advanced, Tie Fighter or FOTF. It’s not a bad ship but isn’t in my personal starting three. I run to the beat of a different drum and pick apart those fleets.