Forum Discussion

AshurGaming's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

Will Ezra Bridger (Exile) be in Proving Grounds?

Will Ezra (Exile) be in the Proving Grounds event after this Conquest finishes? I need 34 shards & will be getting 20 from the end of Conquest, so would like to know if I'll be getting 20 in Proving Grounds. Thanks in advance. 

3 Replies

  • His shards are in the Conquest Shop now, but he won't be in Proving Grounds until August 2025. Conquest characters go to Proving Grounds about a year after release. 

  • Conquest units enter proving grounds 50 weeks after their 1st conquest starts.  Bane enters this time, then Queen, then Luthen, then it will be Ezra.

    Ezra appears on Jawa Scavenger nodes in S2-S5 and pops up in the conquest store for 425 conquest credits or 600 crystals.  Your other options are to buy the conquest pass or wait for the next conquest cycle’s scavenger nodes or ends.

  • Sadly no unless its been a year sense he was released into conquest then my guess he won't be in proving grounds til augest or september next year thats how it is for all conquest characters they get added to proving grounds 1 year from there release