Forum Discussion

deathbringer59's avatar
Rising Newcomer
2 years ago

Will the 48hr lockout period for the raid change?

As title says, will the 48hr join period still be a thing or will it be reduced by a day? Having the raid run for 6 days is nice but for movement it can be a pain.

For instance member join guild on Saturday, raid launches on Sunday. They're now locked out of a raid for a whole week with the 48hr join period.

17 Replies

  • There’s loads of reasons why a player might want/need to move, and IMO that’s not a bad thing. Don’t know if mercing is still a thing, maybe in some alliances, but I don’t see why CG can’t implement a system that stops that (if they want to stop it) without penalising those who occasionally move.
  • _1EgoSlayer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    2 years ago
    "Gabe9876543210;c-2450070" wrote:
    Wasn't raid duration 3 days before and lockout period 2 days?

    What's the reasoning for the idea that 1 day is now appropriate for 6 day raids?

    If they are going to change it, wouldn't it make more sense to change the lockout period to 5 days? So they are almost guaranteed to miss a raid?

    Regardless, for 99% of the players 99% of the time, this number is irrelevant. If you don't stay in your guild, perhaps you don't deserve to do guild content for a while.

    No 5 days doesn't make sense. It's a three day raid, with a 3 day off period to rebuild tickets.

    If a member joins on day 2 of the off period they can't get into the Raid, That makes 8 days without raid rewards or participation. 2 day lockout, 3 day running raid, 3 day cool off, then raid launch. And that's if the guild is hitting 30K tickets every day, longer if they are not hitting 30K every single day.

    And no, you really can't hold off launching the raid because the ticket cap means that unless you were right at 180K tickets and holding, you lose tickets because the cap is only 210k. So if you hold a raid with 185K tickets you're flushing 5K tickets by holding.
  • The duration of the raid is only 3 days.

    If someone joins right after the raid ends, their 48hr cool down will expire well before the next raid starts.

    The reason why guilds will launch every 6 days is because of the 180k ticket cost.

    Unless I'm missing something.
  • _1EgoSlayer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    2 years ago
    "OmegaIV;c-2450138" wrote:
    The duration of the raid is only 3 days.

    If someone joins right after the raid ends, their 48hr cool down will expire well before the next raid starts.

    The reason why guilds will launch every 6 days is because of the 180k ticket cost.

    Unless I'm missing something.

    You're missing if they join 2 days before the raid launches - they can't join and then are out for a least a additional 6 day cycle.

  • The 2 day lockout didn't make any sense for the he krayt raid either.

    Mercing can't happen when you have a run limit and a set time length.
  • Range1974's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    2 years ago
    People are confusing raids too. Not all of the available raids will be 6 day durations. I know people will mid level accounts that still merc. I know CG said the Endor raid will last 6 days not the dragon’s 3 but our countdown for completion was a 3 day clock on the Endor raid.
  • "Range1974;c-2450197" wrote:
    People are confusing raids too. Not all of the available raids will be 6 day durations. I know people will mid level accounts that still merc. I know CG said the Endor raid will last 6 days not the dragon’s 3 but our countdown for completion was a 3 day clock on the Endor raid.

    They didn't end up changing the raid clock - just the ticket cost for entry. It's not possible to get enough tickets to launch in less than 6 days. It's not so much about the timer as it is about the tickets.