Forum Discussion

dosman2233's avatar
Rising Hotshot
6 months ago

Wookiee Warrior Character Concept

Inspiration: The Wookiee team, under the lead of Tarfful, are in dire need of extra units to be viable and worth farming. The Wookiee Warrior will be one of the pieces to the puzzle, as a durable high-damage unit. Its' abilities are pulled straight from 'Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)'.

Name: Wookiee Warrior
Relic: Wroshyr Wood
Alignments: Light Side, Attacker
Tags: Wookiee

Attacks and Abilities

Basic: Handcrafted Weaponry
Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Vulnerable for 1 turn. This attack can't be Evaded or Resisted.

Special 1: Overloaded Fire (Cooldown: 5)
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Daze for 2 turns. Then, all Wookiee allies gain Health Steal Up and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. This attack deals +10% more damage for each active Wookiee ally.

Special 2: Thermal Imploder (Cooldown: 3)
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Tenacity down for 1 turn, and Stun the target enemy for 1 turn, which can't be Evaded or Resisted.

Unique: Wookiee Pride
Wookiee Warrior has +20% Offence and Potency for each active Wookiee ally. In addition, whenever a Wookiee ally Critically Hits an enemy, the cooldown of Overloaded Fire is decreased by 1.

While in Territory Battles and if all allies are Wookiee: Wookiee Warrior has +40% Offence and Potency for each active Wookiee ally. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with Vulnerable or Provoked, Wookiee Warrior gains +5% Offense and Potency (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

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