Forum Discussion

adamseang's avatar
3 years ago

Would love to see "Dread Masters" from SWTOR on SWGOH

I always loved the Dread Masters storyline in Star Wars The Old Republic !
i think they would make a really interesting team on Galaxy of Heroes as well !

anyone else familiar with that story line?
what do you think?
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Unfortunately, I’m not very familiar with the full story of the dread masters, just bits and pieces surrounding the quests for the seeds of rage and HK-51.

    I do think that it would be interesting if Capital Games could find an opportunity to add any characters from the Old Republic MMO, but I’m partial to the characters present in the Bounty Hunter’s story myself since that’s the story I played.
  • It would be interesting, however it is quite unlikely. CG has shown pretty often that they usually add characters based on what's currently hot on the bank as far as shows and stuff goes, so unless the SWToR MMO blows up exponentially over a course of just weeks, I don't see CG caring about it enough to add anything from it.

    But in the unlikely case they do, the dread masters would be a great idea. The biggest issue however would be that there is 6 of them and they typically balance squads around 5 units, so they'd have to make two of them both strong and useful, but different enough to warrant one use in one game mode and the other's use in another.