Forum Discussion

Neo2551's avatar
8 years ago

Zeta and Data Analytics

Can we have a statistics about how much fleet currency is spent on Zeta vs all the other things?

I have the feeling that everyone spends their fleet rewards towards Zeta (sometimes in gear).
  • After finishing my second zeta, and having one ready to go, I hunt slave 1, rex's ship, and maybe scimitar.

    Save the rest, gear exchange rate is way too low.
  • I look for Rex's Ship -> GG -> Zeta. Pretty much whenever I have enough to buy a Zeta I will unless there is Rex's Ship or GG available.

    We don't usually get stats from EA or CG but starting a forum poll is probably your best chance at getting an idea.
  • Anyone seen GG lately? I haven't seen him in a good month always reassuring if someone else has?
  • Need so much cuffs that I prioritize them now. And also some other gear. As soon as I will complete jedi g11 team more focus will go to zeta. + for sure Slave1 and Scimitar shards every time I see
  • Getting all the ships 7 star then going for Zetas.
    I get enough of them through challenges.
  • I am focusing on DS ships to 4* and then Zeta, I always save at least 400 currency for Slave 1 and Scimitar
  • I mainly buy zeta for some weeks to have the first one ready for the end of month. Sometimes I go for Rex shards or Dark ships shards since zeta challenge is only accessible to them.