Forum Discussion

raylova17's avatar
6 years ago

Zeta packs

I understand f2p players will not like what i am about to say.

I have an arguement for having a zeta pack like the omega pack we get once per month or however often it comes around. I have been wanting to see padme come into the game for a long time and I would have spent money on getting her however I was out of zeta mats. Nowadays to make a team viable you have to invest 3-5 zetas or more. I still have other toons waiting for zetas so i didn't invest money to get padme to 7* because I knew I wouldn't be able to get zeta mats fast enough to make a padme team. The sad part is that i have all of the other toons at g12+. I knew at the rate i get zetas it was wiser for me to just wait until she came back since i would have enough zetas by then. I have been around since ships first came out so i have a lot of zetas and get first in fleet daily. I have a lot of zeta mats coming my way but I still can't keep up. I can only imagine how hard it must be for a younger whale to keep up. Please CG if you dont want to just give out more zetas consider a zeta pack that comes around at least once per month. Thank you for your consideration.

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