Forum Discussion

blake0415's avatar
3 years ago

Zetas for Phoenix

I know this is super nitpicky, but the Phoenix squad's zeta abilities all require 16 omega materials to upgrade, while most other characters, including ones around their skill level or better, like Grand Admiral Thrawn, emperor Palpatine, etc, only require 13 omega materials to upgrade. Trying to get some zetas on Phoenix for fun, but it would be a quality of life upgrade not to have to spend so many omegas! Thanks a lot!
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    None of the zetas on Phoenix are worth it in the long run. Best skip them and save those materials for characters that actually matter.
  • IIRC, the number of omegas depends on the type of ability it is.

    Fortunately, Phoenix zetas can be skipped.
  • I still think they need to be adjusted, or relooked at at least. Kanan's zeta is actually really good, and makes the team much more viable in TW etc. The only two you'd really want to zeta (worth 13 or 16 omegas) are Kanan's and Sabine's zeta abilities, but Ezra's, Hera's, and (I don't use him, but) Zeb's are all kinda meh and should only have 10 or 13 omegas on theirs just to scale it for quality. I know most people don't really use Phoenix, but I think they're really fun! Prob cause I use Sabine instead of Zeb, so there's lots of explosions lol.
  • "crzydroid;c-2355506" wrote:
    IIRC, the number of omegas depends on the type of ability it is.

    Fortunately, Phoenix zetas can be skipped.

    (Just quoting so you see my reply)
  • Grogu_4470's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "crzydroid;c-2355506" wrote:
    IIRC, the number of omegas depends on the type of ability it is.

    Fortunately, Phoenix zetas can be skipped.

    So is it active ones are 16, leaders 10, and uniques 13.
  • "Salatious_Scrum;c-2355514" wrote:
    None of the zetas on Phoenix are worth it in the long run. Best skip them and save those materials for characters that actually matter.

    Sabine's on a maul team?............hmmmmmmmmm you're probably right, but I'm tempted by this. Then again I probably shouldn't have Sabine on my Maul team.....