If you are talking to be competitive at the top of really competitive Arena shards, you probably need General Kenobi on a zQGJ-led team to be viable. I'd also recommend putting a Zeta on Yoda's Battle Meditation.
The +30 speed and offense boost based on three times their boosted speed can make Jedi hit quite a bit harder. Also, GK's basic does double damage if all other team members are buffed (which occurs a lot in a team comp like this).
Without GK, the zQGJ may help you improve your Arena ranking (depending on where you are), but there will be a ceiling due to all the zMaul teams out there. Sith have so many bonuses against Jedi that you need Yoda's BM Zeta'd and GK's cleanse & Retribution and taunt to keep them from getting debuffed and destroyed by zMaul teams.