Forum Discussion

dwinkelm's avatar
8 years ago

Any new interesting Droid synergies with Chopper, K-2SO?

So there's been a lot of calls for updates to Droids. Give them some Zeta love, buff Grievous, etc.

I don't disagree with any of those, but I will say that I think the addition of Chopper and K-2SO to Droid squads could allow for many new builds. I'm not saying they'll compete with some of these mega teams with 2-3 Zetas or 2-3 premium characters, but there is certainly more room for interesting and viable top-100 builds.

You could build a triple-taunting tanky Droid/Jawa team with Nebit, Chopper, and K-2SO. Use HK + 88 for offense or HK + B2 for defense, or HK + JE for increase overall speed.

HK lead with Chopper + K-2SO would work well with Grievous + IG-100, allowing both to constantly attack through TM gain with their aoe and gain buffs while applying mass heal Immunity. JE could be swapped in place effectively for anybody obviously, but the idea is trying something a little different.

Heck, I bet even Poggle could find himself useful again on a Droid squad. Once you find a way to increase their survivability, which these two newish Droids bring, then speed-up and offense-up become more attractive buffs. Hell, even a Poggle lead might be fun. Poggle, GSoldier, GSpy, IG88, and Chopper could cause some damage if you're not careful.

Anybody out there seen any new, interesting, surprisingly tough Droid squads out there? Thanks in advance for all replies!
  • "BrillO;982889" wrote:
    I don't think they'd last very long in arena, but I use hk, 88, 86, and k2 in gw with success. When I used droids in arena I had poggle, and no jawas; so I usually use poggle as my fifth, but use nebit and je as well.

    I'm not familiar with choppers kit, but k2 is an awesome tank and a step in the right direction for the droid faction. Droids are a lot of fun to play.

    Too be fair the OP did mention it being a top 100 team. Which a Droid team with HK and 88 for some amazing damage can do with the support of any three Droid or Droid synergy characters. Heck I could probably run my favorite Empire Officer, General Veers, as lead and maintain top 100 as long as I include 2-3 meta Empire characters like TFP and SHT.

    Seems like OP is building a fun squad rather than trying to stay top 50 with meta Droids and Jawas. I did a cross between fun and staying top 50 by running Krennic lead with DT, TFP, Magma, and SHT. Got tired of running an Empire/Sith hybrid Zader lead when Empire is my main faction, not Sith.
  • Well put @war. GW has been so much more fun to play with all the new toons being made available. And with so many new unique moves I like the Droid synergy especially, I love rocking nebit, and 86, with K2 and chopper. That's a fun mix. Put Another pheonix in there as the finisher or the support and you will be surprised how far you make it with decent mods. And the game play is very interesting and fun. I also have found it fun watching my guildies videos with squads like Zam with JE and Nebit L along wit barriss and JS to make for some pretty cool synergy. (With the right mods) Battles a little more explosive. Now the meta toons will always trump these teams eventually in GW!, but it's nice to see how far my ragtag team of pheonix, R1, and jawa will make it before I have to seek revenge with one of my zeta squads. New toons are the best way to keep the game fresh. And one thing we can say about Hero's is there ain't no shortage of Droids or characters to choose from when you have the Star Wars universe at your disposal. And boy are EA and CG milking it. I won't say they aren't being completely unfair at least they added a new toon to arena shipments. And ships to gw. And the OP toon a hard light side node, one I prolly haven't beaten yet, lol. Well at least they are farm able finally. Tired of getting my as whooped by whale teams. And now im realizing this is the size of a Damn Internet newspaper. Anyways, interesting topic OP.
  • I am top 50 in Arena in a Feb 2016 shard, I use HK, 88, 86, Chopper, and JE.

    If you mod for specific turn order and have chopper go first, you can taunt against a Wiggs team, his 30% dodge chance helps keep him alive, mod him with a lot of protection and critical avoidance and you have one annoying taunter even at 3 stars.

    Or still mod for specific turn order and you can have him debuff Shoretrooper or Baze first so you can attack the Palp or TFP in your first turn, but at the same time having a taunter the next time chopper takes a turn. So against teams where they have only one taunter that doesn't go often he offers more than B2.

    You don't get damage but you definitely get to keep your glass cannons alive longer.

    A benefit over nebit as a tank is that he can be revived by JE's ability. + gives 86 4.5% more crit chance.

    Definitely situational. Against a Zeta Jedi squad or anyone else with a lot of buffers that you need a lot of debuffing and buff immunity against you're still better off with B2.

    I have him Gear 9, 1 piece away from gear 10.

    I don't have K2, GG, or IG-100, high enough to test a tanky build, but K2 is next!