Forum Discussion

mdrewbullard33's avatar
7 years ago

BB-8 Event *Min Requirements* & Return

Let’s talk about the BB-8 legendary event. We’ll all likely need a 7* BB8 for Rey (Starkiller Base). When do you think it will return? If you unlocked 7* BB8, please post your minimum team requirements.
  • I used different kill order
    I went bb8 -> rey -> wookiee -> han -> finn
    Killing bb8 before illuminated destiny was very effective
  • i was surprised to beat tier 7 with this lot;

    hardly any omegas, no zetas, leftover mods (decent but no where near arena).

    I found t6 much harder for some reason took about 20 goes. t7 did 2nd time.
  • I got him at 7* with only G11 Zylo and G8 Phasma. All other toons were g1 level 1.
  • "thee_pdx;c-1494857" wrote:
    i was surprised to beat tier 7 with this lot;

    hardly any omegas, no zetas, leftover mods (decent but no where near arena).

    I found t6 much harder for some reason took about 20 goes. t7 did 2nd time.

    Yes t6 was much harder. I agree.