Forum Discussion

NTQ03's avatar
8 years ago

Bespin Luke AND Return Of The Jedi Luke at the same time!

What if they released a reskin/rework of farmboy luke as Bespin Luke (not OP, but viable) make him daily log in and then also release ROTJ Luke as a raid prize or Yoda/EP/R2 event or whatever and make him OP?

  • "Kyno;c-1061043" wrote:
    It is possible with the multi tagged R2 we could start seeing reworks on toons like that to have multiple tags, so removing (reworking ) farm boy luke to be replaced by a multi tag jedi luke as a pilot with R2 could be possible.

    I kind of like that. Would work for Chewy too. But obviously not for ones with 2 toons already.
  • "Krayden_Phogg;c-1061056" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1061043" wrote:
    It is possible with the multi tagged R2 we could start seeing reworks on toons like that to have multiple tags, so removing (reworking ) farm boy luke to be replaced by a multi tag jedi luke as a pilot with R2 could be possible.

    I kind of like that. Would work for Chewy too. But obviously not for ones with 2 toons already.

    Yes it would... fingers crossed.
  • "WompWompRat;c-1061051" wrote:
    What about old, disgruntled, disillusioned Luke?

    Would he be lightside or darkside?
  • happypfe's avatar
    New Spectator
    I think ROTJ Luke is all we really need. Bespin Luke is just a transition state for his character. His beginning was Luke Skywalker and his end result is powerful Jedi Luke. With EP 9 we could have a grand master Luke as well(another ending state). I don't see the point for every snippet of time for a character to be made into a toon.