Forum Discussion

Foletron's avatar
8 years ago

CLS You are my Everest. [Merged Threads]

Hey All
I have been farming the required toons for this event and I am 1 Shard away from maxing out Luke farmboy allowing me to finally attempt the final stage and unlock C Luke. I am totally F2P and proud it was painful grind but i did it. I notice on the forums an insane amount of whining about people not getting him. Well that is simply down to those players and their play styles when i started this game my goal was to get every character I have been playing just over a year and have only 22 more character unlocked. So my question is why all the whining, you played your own way for ships or squad rank or to rock your favorite gang of seth/jedi/rebels why all the crying about this guy especially when you get farmboy from the start and they fixed him? I mean what do you want from the devs? Yes it was hard to unlock him I get that but you cant expect to get him if you didn't even try.