Forum Discussion

steapa95's avatar
7 years ago

Combat Log


I would like to ask, Or better Start a Diskussion about something like a log or replay or something like this.
For example A few minuts ago i had a fight in which Imperator Palpatine cast his Area stun 2 times in a row and i have Nö idea how this could happen. I would like to understand things like this and thousends of other facts (up to 20 enemy attacs in a row ...)
I‘m pretty new in the game and it is extremly hard for me to understand what happened in previous fights.
I‘m pretty sure i‘m Not the only one frustrating in Not explanable fights.

  • "Steapa95;c-1661855" wrote:
    Well ...
    I also use a Palp lead Team with Vader, Thrawn, Nihilus, Sion.
    I cant find a skill which allows Palp to use his Stun Skill twice. It is Not a question of turn meter! Of course He ca attack a few times in a row. Especially with Thrawn. It is a question of CoolDown! Why can He use his stun, 3 of my team are stuned and He use it again to stun the other 2 also?!?
    Which skill from which Toon removes his Cooldown????

    Traya can reduce CD by 1, but that wouldn't explain him doing his AOE 2 turns in a row. It's most likely that you missed a few somewhere in there. If you want to review your fights you can always record them, or don't use 4x so it is easier to see everything happening as it is going on.
  • It was a simple Arena Fight and because of the lose i was able to fight the guy again a second time where palp did the same again and a third time. At the 3rd time it seams all of the Follow now the cooldown rules and it was an easy win.
    All i asked for is to understand what happened...
  • Put on 1x animation speed and watch carefully.
    Or better, record your fight and you can replay in slow motion as much as you want and figure out the combat log.
  • Basically you want to start putting mods on your Arena team... this will make them faster so they can attack instead of the other team attacking 20 times.. there’s SWGOH mod guides on YouTube... or you can just look for mods with speed as a secondary. Best of luck!
  • But i can watch it as slow and often as i want, i don‘t see: „Why attack this Thrawn two times while my is just attacking one?“
    The answer for a question like this can be „Because He gets speed from his mates skill 1 and skill 3 „ or whatever.
    And these are the answers i‘m looking for.
  • Well ...
    I also use a Palp lead Team with Vader, Thrawn, Nihilus, Sion.
    I cant find a skill which allows Palp to use his Stun Skill twice. It is Not a question of turn meter! Of course He ca attack a few times in a row. Especially with Thrawn. It is a question of CoolDown! Why can He use his stun, 3 of my team are stuned and He use it again to stun the other 2 also?!?
    Which skill from which Toon removes his Cooldown????
  • On his basic, Palp gets 15% TM for every shocked enemy, plus 20% from his leadership for inflicting shock, so if all 5 are shocked, that's up to 95% TM on his basic. He can move lightning fast (no pun intended) if everyone is shocked, but it shouldn't make him use his special twice in a row. Also, if he stuns a shocked enemy, the stun will last for 2 turns and dispel shock, giving 5% to everyone for dispelling shock and 20% to EP for inflicting stun. There's so much TM gain in an EP team that's its almost impossible to keep track of.
  • It’s nonsense. He cannot use stun AoE twice in a row.
    He can use stun AoE then use his basic immediately. And he use health steal skill. Finally he can use his stun AoE again.

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