Forum Discussion

u235a's avatar
4 years ago

Explain what is a "Rare" mod plz.

I have been farming mods for a long time and it is the worst part of the game for me... so much so that I have thought about quitting... when you farm a mod and raise it from level 1 grey to level 15 gold (or higher now) I have no Idea what could have happened in the leveling process to have made it a better mod or not... I know the max level for speed per upgrade is 6 and the lowest upgrade possibility is 1 (1 with yellow to gold upgrade) but I have no Idea of the other stat ranges or if it is all random or there is some type of pattern based on some unknown factor... (like if the mod is considered a "rare" mod all the rolls will be better). CG you have done nothing to educate me in Modding so I have no idea why I should buy the mod packs that are out right now other than the fact I have to much money and I want to gamble it all away on the chance of 1 or 2 good mods. Furthermore IF I do spend money on these mod packs it makes you think that you are doing a great job so far with the modding system.... and in my book you all are failing 100% with it... don't get me wrong... I love what mods do for our toons and it makes them all different... but your lack of explaining what makes a rare mod and what does not (a selection in your mod tool sorting system) drives me crazy and just makes me want to stop playing this game.... now with the new addition of spending even more of my money and time on mods to upgrade them I feel that some type of explanation is needed before I go any further into this game as a investment. you have 3rd parties making money hand over foot off your lack of leadership in this department. Whether it be with making 3rd party programs that violate the ToS or Mod service players that access your account and do your mods for you for a fee violating the ToS.

Please explain to us your Mod system so we can figure out when we get a "Rare" mod or not so we do not think all mods without high speed are worthless. I know there has to be at least 1 other person out there that feels the way I do.
  • "scuba;c-2177582" wrote:
    "NicWester;c-2177579" wrote:
    "scuba;c-2177576" wrote:
    It is mod that is starting out with maxed starting secondary values, for example speed at 6

    Oh. I didn't know that. Interesting! Is it all secondaries maxed, or just some of them? I see "rare mods" mentioned in rewards for other things sometimes but always thought it was just hyperbole.

    It should be all the secondary showing are at the max starting/roll value

    This was shared in another thread if you want to check the values to be sure

    Note: the source of this has been update (seems they forgot CG doesn't round they truncate) so check the source for correct numbers

    : Edited to have correct image
  • "Rath_Tarr;c-2177599" wrote:
    "U235;c-2177590" wrote:
    OMG thankyou... this is what I have been looking for all my life! Edit: now all I need is something that tells me the max min roll for every time you upgrade a mod.

    That is exactly what the table shows you.

    What I mean is how many times can a mod get a max roll I have never seen a mod with all max rolls... unless you have.

  • It would make those mod packs worth buying if you was promised a max roll for each time you leveled the mod... I see now how it is measured as the primary stat gains a max roll each time it is leveled... and I had no Idea a mod slicing from 5 dot to 6 dot incressed the % of each stat it already had by 3% I always thought it was a flat number... my "best" mod or most rare has only 5 speed in secondary but a 9.72 crit chance... I wish it was a Crit set and not a speed set.... and I am glad I just did not throw the mod away like I wanted to at the start of all this.
  • OP watch this video, lays it out really well. Watch the whole series and it will bring clarity.
    ETA: the video link, smh.
  • Here is what I do:

    Sell every sub 5 dot mod I get. I level mods until I see all four stats (3 purple, 6 blue, 9 green, 12 silver). If I don't get a speed greater than 3, sell it. Finish leveling to 15 for speeds greater than 3 and take the mod to blue unless it is already purple or gold.

    If it is a blue mod and 8 speed or higher, upgrade it. If it is a purple mod and 12 speed or higher, upgrade it. I tend to put mods that strike out on lessor characters and occasionally sell them if I need mod space.

    I upgrade gold mods on top tier characters first particularly if they have a ship that I use. For gold mod upgrades, I focus on Offense, Crit Dmg, Defense, Health, Potency, Tenacity, Crit Avoidance and Speed in that order.

    NOTE: There are special cases for certain characters. Nest and B2 where speed isn't important and high tenacity is critical. You want zero speed on Droideka with high offense. So tenacity and offense type mods without speed but with high secondary tenacity and offense are keepers as well.

    In the cash shop I always buy triangles with +4/+5 speed and primary Crit Dmg, Offense, Protection or Defense. I also shop for plus signs with +4/+5 speed and primary Offense, Defense or Protection. Triangles and Pluses are dropped significantly less when generating mods. I don't burn money on anything else since I am always cash strapped. I never buy a mod without a high base speed... ever.