Forum Discussion

culpzach's avatar
9 years ago

Force Awakens Toons: who needs a patch?

So lets look at some of the force awakens charcters we got.
Res. Pilot
Res. Trooper
FO officer

FOST, Res trooper, and FO officer are grunts and they are meant to be decent. FOTP and Res Pilot obviously have major attack but minor health. I want to talk about the main toons. Here is what i think and then ill explain. The number means
1- minor and 10- major scale

Finn- buff 5
Poe- nerf 3
Kylo- nerf 8
Phasma- fine
Rey- nerf 4

Finn- we seem to all be dissapointed by finn. I dont have him, but when using him as an ally he doesnt impress me. He needs probably a mid sized buff. Id say make his damage of use. Just dont make him too good.

Poe- many people have been complaining of him, and while i see chewy more than poe, yeah its tough. That 2 round taunt and that expose that the AI gets and i never do and those other little stats. Yeah. I guess make his taunt 1 turn, since PvP is so short, but thats for u guys to decide because i dont see him enough.

Kylo. Ohhh joy. This guy again. Mr lore'al locks under that sick looking mask. How to nerf him.... Oh yeah- lets take out that refresh all cooldowns thing, not give him that hundred percent counter, and lower that damage or health- like alot. Some of the Kylos ive vs have more health than my poggle, who has 9k. Even worse is that ive seen him pop 7k without even a crit. Thats insane. This is why he needs a major nerf. If i could choose somewhere to start, definitley on that refresh

Phasma- she honestly seems balanced, somthing even EA would be supprised to hear. ("Omg did we balance something!?"-EA) but yeah she doesnt do crazy damage, doesnt have overly crazy health, balanced abilities, and a decent leader ability. The only thing would be to limit that AI assist that we all know is buffed though EA denies it

Rey- Uggghh. I know disney wants a girl character that kicks butt, but that doesnt mean make her do insane damage. She can pop 4-6k without crit, which is insane enough. Not to mention every time she uses that staff she dodges the next attack. Heath, id say average but since its not below average its why shes kinda crazy. As for a nerf? Id say definetly in the damage. And dont give her that guarenteed dodge.

  • "Sgt_Strategy;68000" wrote:
    "DarkWingGlee;67903" wrote:
    ur reason makes no sense.

    why not enjoy the game?

    Kylo is fine. Rey is fine. Poe is fine. Finn is fine. FOO IS FINE. You seem to have issues that are not this or that, but really just have a overwhelming desire to start threads and have people put you in the center of attention.

    U expecting game boys to say , "ur so right" "ur so smart" "ur so good" to u?

    No im just putting my opinion out there. When i said all of the things above, i just want like 1 for each character, but thats why u list all the problems. Like dooku i want:

    No stun on normal attack
    Less counter chance
    No bonus attack
    Less speed
    Less health

    Now when i call for a nerf, i only want one, maybe two. Just to make him a little less OP with all of his abilities

    They aren't OP is the problem, you are crying wolf. When you gear up your characters and promote them and get good team synergy and learn the weakness of other toons rather than just jumping to the forums to complain you will see that they aren't that bad.

  • "xReDeMpx;67550" wrote:
    "Triqui;67363" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;66073" wrote:
    "JohnnyMakeBelieve;66071" wrote:
    I think Poe def needs a nerf, he just offers way too much at turn 1, every1 in the high brackets says so, whoever's poe goes first win the game, this game isn't designed to be a coin flip game.

    I think that this says everything that needs to be said

    There are ways around PoE

    At high end there's only one way around Poe, and it's having Poe yourself and win the Coin toss.

    Not even lol. Ppl are too quick to cry nerf. Not
    Enough ppl have the right toons to counter him

    Tell me a team that can defeat a high-end Poe squad without using Poe.
  • "HansOlo;67703" wrote:
    "Triqui;67363" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;66073" wrote:
    "JohnnyMakeBelieve;66071" wrote:
    I think Poe def needs a nerf, he just offers way too much at turn 1, every1 in the high brackets says so, whoever's poe goes first win the game, this game isn't designed to be a coin flip game.

    I think that this says everything that needs to be said

    There are ways around PoE

    At high end there's only one way around Poe, and it's having Poe yourself and win the Coin toss.

    But your droid team doesnt have poe ;-)

    I know. Because I think he's OP, and I don't like to be forced to play a single character. And I pay for it. I've just lost a match for the 2 spot against a droid team 3000 points worse than mine. He had Poe, and he moved first. When I got my turn I had lost IG88, IG86 and Luminara. I shot once before being wiped.
    I think I'm going to wait until the patch to see if they being Poe to sane levels. If they don't, then I suppose It'll have to play with the toons the devs want me to play instead of the ones I like, if I don't want to be knocked out of the top
  • "Triqui;68901" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;67550" wrote:
    "Triqui;67363" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;66073" wrote:
    "JohnnyMakeBelieve;66071" wrote:
    I think Poe def needs a nerf, he just offers way too much at turn 1, every1 in the high brackets says so, whoever's poe goes first win the game, this game isn't designed to be a coin flip game.

    I think that this says everything that needs to be said

    There are ways around PoE

    At high end there's only one way around Poe, and it's having Poe yourself and win the Coin toss.

    Not even lol. Ppl are too quick to cry nerf. Not
    Enough ppl have the right toons to counter him

    Tell me a team that can defeat a high-end Poe squad without using Poe.

    I've actually had a few
    Bobba (L)

    Old ben

  • "xReDeMpx;68990" wrote:
    "Triqui;68901" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;67550" wrote:
    "Triqui;67363" wrote:
    "xReDeMpx;66073" wrote:
    "JohnnyMakeBelieve;66071" wrote:
    I think Poe def needs a nerf, he just offers way too much at turn 1, every1 in the high brackets says so, whoever's poe goes first win the game, this game isn't designed to be a coin flip game.

    I think that this says everything that needs to be said

    There are ways around PoE

    At high end there's only one way around Poe, and it's having Poe yourself and win the Coin toss.

    Not even lol. Ppl are too quick to cry nerf. Not
    Enough ppl have the right toons to counter him

    Tell me a team that can defeat a high-end Poe squad without using Poe.

    I've actually had a few
    Bobba (L)

    Old ben

    Do you have a video or explanation of how? Because I don't see how those teams beat Poe if he taunts and steal turn meter and his own maxed QGJ-Leia-Rey-GS-FOTP-Whatever squads go first and kill half your team before they move.