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tromedlov13's avatar
7 years ago

GK (lead), zBariss, zR2 (number crunch) how do you beat it

So facing a team in final stage of GW. GK lead, CLS, zBariss, zR2 (number crunch), Nihilus. All gear 12, God mods (100+ speed on everyone).

With GK lead and R2 zeta number crunch GK has over 100K protection and over 42K health. Which means every critical hit heals 8400 health. With the 70% defense bonus from his lead he is taking about 55% of usual damage from attacks. My han that usually hit for 18+K is hitting for 10k and then 5k on his basic, which means GK actually gains health when he is attacked by one of the best DPS toons in the game.

I have my zFinn Res team ready to go and several very high geared synergy teams including my CLS top 50 most days arena team and a good Nihilus Sith team to avoid critical hits that activate GK and zBariss uniques

With any team other than Sith (that team doesn't have tm saved) after first hit (trying to take out Bariss) GK taunts. Then R2 hides Bariss. After about two full rounds and most of my team ready to die, I get rid of the 100K protection, but then it doesn't matter, with all the defense I can barely remove any of his health. I can't get any debuffs to stick on GK (bad RNG I think). R2 is so fast that Bariss is either hidden behind GK taunt or stealthed by R2. I've even tried to use a bunch of tanks to keep Nihilus alive long enough to annihilate GK first, but he never makes it to Annihilate.

What am I missing to beat this team? Is there any way to beat this team. I am about to give up even though I have finished GW every day for a while.

Whoever's team this is gets major props from me for being insane.

Edit: I added a fourth tank and got to Annihilate and took out Bariss (barely before they killed RG, Sith Trooper, Old Ben and Shore (all level 85, 7* (except Sith t at 5*) and at least gear 10), after that my arena team took the rest out easy.
  • I forgot about MT. I could use her. I just spent 40 minutes to beat GK + zBarris on last node.
  • Well, my failsafe method is to use a Rex lead, with R2 (both zeta), GK, Nihilus, Thrawn squad. First annihilate should be their nihilus, then CLS, then it just doesnt matter, usually I fracture CLS first, since with Rex im pretty confident that my Nihilus is faster than their.
  • I fight fire with fire.

    GK (L) Zarris, DN, zR2, Han Zolo

    Stun most dangerous target on other team with OH Han. DN or R2. Then work on lowering health on players until DN is ready to go boom.
  • I beat it very easily with a current meta team. Fracture GK then hit zBariss. She gains immunity to critical hits. Hit her until she’s dead.

    Admittedly, it’s a very hard team to beat if you do not have a meta team or a weaker team.
  • Nihilist leader is the theoretic counter to both barris and gk, but i target gk teams in arena because my zader eats it like cheese, zader/thrawn/nihilist/sidious/tarkin
    The dots go through defense and eat barris/gk alive and thrawn fracture on gk lets you ignore him
  • If you have a resistance team, use poe's taunt while targeting GK so he can't taunt, then very slowly take down barriss, who will get crit immunity. If you do it right no one will take a turn. If barriss doesn't get exposed, hut another exposed enemy just to get the TM, but concentrate on barriss all you can. After she's dead, game's over
  • You need to kill R2 first, then Nihilus. After that, you take down Barriss at your lesiure. This is the best way. Ideally you fracture GK if you can, but I have gotten away with using buff immunity on GK while I killed R2 and Nihilus. Again though, R2 should be your first target to get rid of the extra health/protection and that annoying stealth before you work through the rest of them. If you don't have Thrawn, I would probably try to keep Nihilus stunned (after R2 was dead) while I worked on Barriss.
    I hated the GK/Zarriss combo until I figured this out. Now I beat them quickly.
  • Thrawn + Nihilus = Death to GK +Barriss.
    Fracture GK, go to town on Barriss. She'll get crit immunity quickly and won't even heal.
    Annihilate GK with Nihilus and the rest is cake.