8 years ago
Hrancor zader lead question?
So I recently zeta my Vader last night I used airplane mode to run a few test my team comp is zader tfp Rex jyn and ep when I ran through I was able to get to p4 with ease. we ran hrancor this morning I hit p2 waited about 25 min so others could go through and not destroy my rng I got to 92% and he enraged and destroyed me what am I missing. Vader is 198 speed 76% potency ep is 188 speed and 105% potency tfp is 237 speed and 77% potency Rex is 209 speed and low 40% potency jyn is 229 speed 33% potency and has 58% cc. I guess the question is? Is it my team comp or mods messing up. Any feedback would be awesome thanks guys.