Forum Discussion

mrsjroney's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

Inherited teachings question

Inherited teachings states that it does true damage of 60% of jml base max protection.
May be obvious, but cant find it in mechanics, is base max protection jml’s modded protection you see in your character’s stats? Does it include 11k mastery or does it also include double mastery from jedi legacy, 70% from G Legend and 20% from JMl lead?
  • It’s based off the protection amount that you see in your characters stat screen
  • This does seem to be how it works. But that doesn't make sense. For example, I take it Jedi Knight Luke's leadership ability, enemies are reduced to his un-modded "base" speed.

    So what does Base actually mean, CG?
  • adamja's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "Kylen;c-2197663" wrote:
    This does seem to be how it works. But that doesn't make sense. For example, I take it Jedi Knight Luke's leadership ability, enemies are reduced to his un-modded "base" speed.

    So what does Base actually mean, CG?

    the base stat is the 'normal' number on stats screen. the number in brackets is the added value on top of your base stats (mods for example).

    I'm not sure if leadership and unique bonuses count towards the maximum value or they are separate. For example leadership says allies get +20% max protection, JML works from that bonus and the stats screen together or from the stats before entering the battle?
  • "Kylen;c-2197663" wrote:
    This does seem to be how it works. But that doesn't make sense. For example, I take it Jedi Knight Luke's leadership ability, enemies are reduced to his un-modded "base" speed.

    So what does Base actually mean, CG?

    JKL actually takes enemies to his modded base speed, which is why you see people avoiding speed on JKL's mods.

    In the past, people on the forums have used "base" to describe unmodded, but that's usually because of discussions on what percent-based mods add to. When game text refers to "base," it means after mods but before in-battle bonuses.