Since some people are recommending that you invest money in your current account rather than start a new one, let me give you a mathematical analysis.
If you're currently around rank 200 and have been playing for a couple months, you've received 60 crystals a day for the past 60 days or 3600 crystals total. Whereas everyone in the top 10 that has been playing from the beginning has received 250-500 crystals per day for the past 2 months. They all have gained 15,000-30,000 crystals since you started playing. Buying a crystal vault at this point won't close the gap for you to catch the leaders. This isn't even considering how many resources they gained from unlocking GW before everyone else and from the extra 100-300 arena tokens they earned each day.
My point is that this system is setup to make the rich get richer. And you're swimming upstream if you're trying to catch those leaders this late in your account progress. Starting over will give you a fresh start and allow you to do things right and make yourself a top tier player from the beginning.